Monday, April 18, 2016

Luke 13

When something bad happens to someone, do you think it's a punishment from God? There are passages in the Bible that suggest people held such a view, but in Chapter 13 Jesus breaks the link as he discusses two tragic events (v. 1-5). That's not to say that he lets either the victims of these tragedies or anyone else off the hook. All are sinners in need of repentance who otherwise risk spiritual death (v. 3, 5). Nonetheless, God is patient and gracious with us and Jesus is ready to intercede on our behalf. That's what I draw from the parable in v. 6-9. I'd like to hear on Sunday what you think of this story. What do each of the characters or elements mean or stand for?
Some familiar conflicts and concepts emerge in this chapter. Jesus continues talking about the Kingdom of God (v. 18-21, 28) and encounters more resistance to Sabbath healing (v. 14-17). Jesus' telling of these brief kingdom parables after being attacked for healing is like nudging people into realizing, as in 11:20, that the kingdom "has come upon you." What are verses 18-19 and 20-21 saying about the kingdom? Being part of the kingdom (v. 28) also has a bearing on our spiritual salvation, as Jesus' response to a question (v. 23) indicates. What does Jesus' metaphor about the narrow door and the head of the house eventually shutting it say about being saved? I'd like to hear your thoughts and analysis Sunday. Those who do make it through the door come from across the globe (not just the Jewish people) and are treated to a feast in v. 29 (another kingdom image).
Jesus ends the chapter with a soliloquy about his great love for Jerusalem, tinged with resignation about what he'll face there (v. 33-35). Jesus' words are prophetic, not just about his death. He also speaks about the triumphant entry into Jerusalem (v. 35) and resurrection three days after dying (v. 32).
Come ready to talk about this on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Youths! Here's a plan to read Luke 13 over 5 days: Day one -- v. 1-9, v. 10-17, v. 18-21, v. 22-30, v. 31-35.
